I am a control freak! If I do not do things then they will not get done, well, at least not correctly. No one can keep this house going like I do. What would my family ever do without ME! I suspect chaos would reign.
I know that I am a control freak and I can't help it! Well, today I had to turn over my teaching duties for at least the next three weeks to my husband. It was hard...REALLY hard. I made sure that each child had the books they needed in separate piles on the table. They each have an accordion file with all of their worksheets and assignments for today were in the appropriate slots. I spelled out word for word what they were to do today and I gave a copy of these instructions to each child and to my husband. I made sure that he knew the way that I do things. He then had to pry the reigns from my clenched fist. I was sure that everything would be crazy while I was gone.
Guess what happened while I was gone? NOTHING! I do not mean that the children did nothing, I mean that nothing went wrong. The kids were done with their work in no time flat. They did not beg for breaks, they did not whine about the assignments, they did them and that was that. They don't do that for me! They think that everything is negotiable and will stop just short of joining a Union to have some collective bargaining power.
My head is spinning. While I am glad that things went so well, I am starting to think that I am not the glue that holds this whole thing together. How can that be? How can my husband possibly be able to do my job? How is that possible? Oh my....I wonder if the world would keep on spinning without me? Oh, surely not, I mean it does revolve around me...right?